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what is considered severe spinal stenosis

What Is Considered Severe Spinal Stenosis and How Can a Woodstock Chiropractor Help?

Spinal stenosis makes it difficult to live a normal life. Ribley Family Chiropractic, a back pain chiropractor in Woodstock, may be able to help. Keep reading to learn what is considered severe spinal stenosis and the benefits of chiropractic medicine.

What Is Spinal Stenosis?

Doctors refer to the narrowing of areas within the spine as spinal stenosis. When the spine narrows, it leaves less room for the spinal cord and spinal nerves. These small spaces can irritate the spinal cord and lead to back pain or sciatica.

Who Gets Spinal Stenosis?

While anyone can develop spinal stenosis, adults over 50 are the primary demographic. It is possible to be born with a narrow spine, though, which can lead to early development of the condition.

What Are the Symptoms?

Spinal stenosis develops slowly in most cases. As the spine narrows, patients may experience the following symptoms:

  • Lower back pain
  • Shooting pain
  • Numbness or tingling sensation
  • Cramping in legs

In some situations, the spine may begin to narrow in the neck, which can cause different symptoms:

  • Neck pain
  • Weakness or clumsiness
  • Poor balance
  • Poor control of hands 

What Is Considered Severe Spinal Stenosis? 

In severe cases, the loss of bladder or bowel control is possible. If left untreated, severe spinal stenosis can lead to permanent numbness or paralysis.

What Causes It?

Several factors can cause the spine to narrow and lead to spinal stenosis: 

  • Herniated disks. Herniated disks can protrude into the spinal canal.
  • Arthritis. Arthritis can cause the ligaments around the spine to thicken and bulge over time.
  • Spinal fractures or injury. Injuries to the spine can lead to inflammation and narrowing of the spinal canal.
  • Tumors or cysts. Tumors or cysts that grow along the spine cause pressure on the spinal cord.
  • Bone spurs. When spinal bones rub together, they thicken and build up. This excess bone causes pressure around the spinal cord.

How Is It Diagnosed?

Depending on symptoms, a medical provider has several methods to diagnose spinal stenosis. These include physical exams, X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help With Severe Spinal Stenosis?

Chiropractic care helps address the root of spinal stenosis by reducing nerve pressure. Unlike traditional medicine, a Woodstock chiropractor can offer non-surgical treatments for spinal stenosis. 

Physical Therapy

Stretching and physical fitness can help reduce pain and improve your range of motion. As patients stretch, the pressure on their spinal cord and nerves reduces. Over time, increased flexibility can help prevent further damage to the spine.

Chiropractic Adjustments

A Woodstock chiropractor utilizes spinal manipulations to ensure the spine stays aligned. Spinal alignment is key to preventing excess pressure on the spinal cord. If the spine is out of alignment, pressure can begin to build in the unaligned area.

Visit a Woodstock Chiropractor for Your Spinal Stenosis Today

Suffering from spinal stenosis or need a chiropractor for osteoporosis? A Woodstock chiropractor may be able to improve your quality of life. Visit Ribley Family Chiropractic’s office in Woodstock, GA, today to learn about the potential benefit of chiropractic medicine or learn more about what is considered severe spinal stenosis.